Planning Application

In June 2024, RES submitted a planning application for the Stoneworthy Energy Storage project on land south of Pyworthy substation, approximately 1.3km southwest of Pyworthy village. 

RES was disappointed by Torridge District Council’s decision, in September 2024, to refuse our application for the proposed Stoneworthy Energy Storage System. Not only is the planning committee’s ruling at odds with the case officer’s recommendation to approve the scheme, this outcome is also a missed opportunity to help the rollout of zero carbon energy needed to support’s England’s Net Zero targets.

John Hills, Development Project Manager at RES, said: “This is a really disappointing outcome for the Stoneworthy proposal, which would have played a key role in managing the increasingly complex supply and demand needs of the 21st Century.
 “Furthermore, the site would have had the ability to deliver a significant biodiversity net gain to the area.
 “We will now take time to review the details provided by the committee”.

Electronic copies of the planning application and accompanying documents can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the links below.

The planning application may also be viewed on Torridge District Council website at The planning reference number is 1/0514/2024/FULM.


Planning Design and Access Statement

Statement of Community Involvement


Acoustic Assessment

Arboricultural Constraints Appraisal

Construction Environment Management Plan

Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment

Ecological Appraisal

Fire Safety Management Plan

Flood Risk Screening and Drainage Management Plan

Landscape and Visual Assessment


Site location plan

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Infrastructure layout plan

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